Our Mission
To open the doors of opportunity and prosperity by empowering others to achieve financial independence and economic stability by maximizing the wealth of the market through our breakthrough Business plan and services.
Our Vission
Our Vision To provide unmatched innovation and quality distribution of outstanding products and services to local, regional, and global markets.
BETA Own Your Life Project
Making a living has become a huge challenge for many families today. But at BETA Own Your Life Project our goal is to find uncommon solution to all your financial worries. We pride ourselves in:
- LEADERSHIP: The valor to shape a better future.
- INTEGRITY: Be genuine and reliable.
- EXCELLENCE: To stand out and be known.
- PASSION: Committed by heart and mind.
- QUALITY: Revolutionary and effective products & services to cater the world.
The Three Pillars Of Life
While you're thinking about that, let us tell you what it means to us. Here at Beta Own Your Life Project:
- It is the ability to be ourselves in our truest form.
- It's being able to make our own choices and control the agency over our own life.
- It is to own and control our income sources.
- It is to spend quality time with our family and friends, travel the world and experience new cities.
- It is to be perfectly fit and healthy.
This is why this project was created, to help you achieve your own freedom (whatever it means to you) by showing you a series of steps and activities which will bring about the result you seek while working with a group of people who are mission-driven. And this year, we are on a mission to help 1,000 families rise and live above the poverty level by the end of 2022." At BETA Own Your Life Project
At BETA Own Your Life Project
We believe to be truly free, you must have the following in proportionate amount:
- Time freedom
- Health freedom
- Financial freedom
Own Your Time
- If you want to escape the time-for-money trap, find wealth and freedom fast, you've got to dump the job mentality. Let us repeat that.: Dump the damn job mentality!
Jobs suck. We mean that generally, not targeted toward a specific job. Whether you're an electrician or a store manager, you hold a job. Jobs suck because they're rooted in limited leverage and limited control.
- Sure, you can have great job (and a fun one too!) but in the scope of experiencing true wealth and freedom, they limit both leverage and control—two things desperately needed if you want wealth.
- Who taught us that trading time in exchange for money was a great idea? If you're shackled to a job, you're engaged to a glorified exchange of your time (your life) for pieces of paper that grant you freedom. You sell your time to get freedom. If you work, you get paid. If you don't work, you don't get paid.
- Wouldn't it make sense to get paid regardless of what you're doing? Get paid while you sleep, while you have fun, while you poop, while you sit on the beach? Why not get paid with the simple passage of time and make time work for you instead of against you? Does that exist? It does, but it doesn't come from a job.
- Second in our definition of freedom is health freedom. Health freedom is fitness: vibrancy, passion, and boundless energy. If you don't have health, you lack wealth. Ask any terminally ill person what they value.
- Ask any cancer survivor how they suddenly feel reborn and their happiness is displaced from "stuff" to people and life experiences. There is no price on health and vibrancy. What is holding you from burning that belly fat, losing weight and being fit?
- We cannot begin to talk about financial freedom if you're sick, unfit and unhealthy. This is why the first thing we give you when you sign up for our program is a health kit to take care of you and your family for life. Our health packages are designed to serve as alternative medicine that are proactive in taking care of your body, keeps you fit, young, vibrant and alert.
- Ultimately, it is designed to boost your immune system, reduce the cost of healthcare and keeps the doctor away.
- They have time freedom.
- They read everyday.
- They pursue their dreams.
- They go about their business without worrying if anyone will use their services.
If you think having too much money is evil, then consider the following things money can buy.
- Money buys the freedom to watch your kids grow up (who doesn't want to).
- Money buys the freedom to pursue your craziest dreams.
- Money buys the freedom to make a difference in the world.
- Money buys the freedom to build and strengthen relationships.
- Money buys the freedom to do what you love, with financial validation removed from the equation.
- Money buys the freedom to travel the world whenever you want, however you want.
Don't exist in a state of being one month, salary or health emergency away from being broke. That's a signal of impending doom. Have you thought beyond next week's salary? At what threshold do you realize that it's time to shift gears and re-evaluate? Is there a threshold? Why would something that you've been doing for 5, 10, 20 years suddenly start working? Yes, insanity is defined as doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results. If you don't want to work on that desk until you're 75 years old (nobody will employ for that long anyway) or you don't want to retire under a bridge in a cardboard box, or expecting pension plans, you have to have a plan. Should life grant you another 50 years, what the heck is your plan?
We have a plan you can plug into that can take care of you and your family for life with a onetime, lifetime financial commitment. We have helped thousands of ordinary people from different walks of life achieve this at an insanely short period of time.
Are you ready for the details? Click below and GET STARTED NOW